Энциклопедия компьютерных вирусов



В первый рабочий день каждого месяца 1999 года при открытии документов до полудня вирус выдает на экран одно из сообщений:

1 апреля 1999 г.:

Y2K! Spread the word This is not an April fools joke. I wish it were! The year 2000 is fast approaching, and the word still needs to be spread about the implications and dangers of the millennium bug commonly referred to as the Y2K bug. The virus that has infected this word document was written to help spread the word about the Y2K bug, and educate you so you can prepare yourself and your family for Saturday January 1, 2000. today until January 1, 2000, on the first business day of each month, I will give you a lesson in Y2K preparation. Spread the word. Knowledge is power!

3 мая 1999 г.:

Hello again! Lets start our first lesson to help prepare you for the millennium bug. Although I don't personally believe there will be food shortages, power shortages, gas shortages as a result of a computer bug, there will be food, power and gas shortages by hoarding nitwits that fear the millennium bug. As a result, I highly recommend that you begin to stockpile bottled water (1-month supply), canned food (1-month supply), and as much gas as you can store (keep your vehicle gas tank always topped up starting December 1st). That's it for this month. See you next month!

1 июня 1999 г.:

How's the weather? Right now it's pretty warm out, so you are probably not thinking much about the winter. But remember the millennium bug is expected to hit in the middle of winter. If you're in a northern climate, like the Great White North (Canada), I suggest you consider purchasing a good airtight wood stove, and at least a face cord of wood. Even if there are no disruptions in natural gas, or oil, or electricity, the wood stove is a great way of reducing your heating bills. And if there is a problem, you will be comfortable in your own heated home, unlike your unprepared neighbors (remember the Canadian ice storm last year!) That's it for this month.
See you next month!

2 июля 1999 г.:

Did you get the stove? Last month I recommend purchasing a gas stove to help heat your home in the event that your supply of electricity, gas, or oil was interrupted. This month I would like to suggest that you purchase a portable generator and enough gas cans to store gas to power the generator. The generator can be used to power lighting and small electrical appliances should the power be disrupted. That's it for this month. See you next month!

2 августа 1999 г.:

Getting back to basics In this installment, I would like to suggest that you consider purchasing candles, matches, flashlights, and batteries. These items will be invaluable during those cold, dark nights should the power companies fail in their Y2K conversion. Don't plan on relying on the banks or credit/debit cards. Start each month, and stash away enough money to last you at least 2 months. This money should include enough money to pay the rent/mortgage, utilities, FOOD, etc. Remember cold hard cash is accept EVERYWHERE. That's it for this month. See you next month!

1 сентября 1999 г.:

A Limerick The millennium 's not far away Get onto your coding today Fix it or fudge it The boss won't begrudge it If everything works on the day! That's it for this month. See you next month!

1 октября 1999 г.:

Three months to go Getting nervous? If you've followed my advice over the past months, there should be nothing for you to worry about. We will survive the Y2K bug, but preparation will insure that if there is any Y2K crisis, it will only be small bump on the road, not a major pothole for you. That 's it for this month. See you next month!

1 ноября 1999 г.:

Two months to go Personally, I don't believe that there will be a major, global Y2K crisis. I trust the banks with my money, I trust MOST of the industrial sector, and I trust the power and water agencies to provide me with power and water over the infamous weekend. I even trust the Russians and there nuclear arms! BUT you can never be too careful.Take care. Be prepared. Use common sense. That 's it for this month. See you next month!"

1 декабря 1999 г.:

Good Luck (30 days to go) Well, this will be the final installment in the Y2K preparation lessons. If you have followed my advice over the past few months, you will be in excellent shape to bring in the New Year. May the New Year bring you health and happiness. Best wishes. Bye!

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