Очень опасный резидентный вирус. Перехватывает INT 21h и записывается в конец .COM- и .EXE-файлов при обращениях к ним. При заражении 512-го файла форматирует текущий диск и выводит одно из сообщений:
Welcom to the 21st century Today is Sunday ! Why do you work so hard? All work and no play make you a dull boy! Come on! Lets go out and have some fun! PROGRAM sick error:call doctor or buy PIXEL for cure description. Welcome to the JOJO virus and FUCK the system(c)-1990 Copy me__I went to travel Copyright(c) 1989 by VesselinBontchev The world will heard from me again !!! HA, HA, HA Your computer now has AIDS! Be careful , not to be infected ! Disk Killer_version 4.00 by COMPUTER OGRE 04/01/1993 Warning! Don not turn off power or remove the diskett While Disk Killer is processing! PROCESSING! Your PC is now stoned LEGALIZE MARIJUNA! VIRUS__SHOE RECORD, V9.0 Dedicated to the dynamic memories of millions of viruses who are no longer with us today Chinese Bomb (Made in China) Greeting from sunnyvale, Can you find me?