Энциклопедия компьютерных вирусов


1992 by CU, Boulder Colorado.

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Copyright(C) 1992 by CU, Boulder Colorado. Program too big to fit in memory Person/People/Things we >>hate<<: Person/People we admire:A Midgit, or maybe two :-). The Luna - moon. Ivy, Irene, Iris Person/People/Things we think are cool or find phun:.Strip Poker,

The SILVER DOLLAR VIRUS v3.00d ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NEWS FLASH!! Your System has been phried with The SILVER DOLLAR VIRUS. One more thing, we have your partition table valifiesationed, and we recommend you >>not<< turn off your computer, unless you have 400 clams or more for a new hard drive! Have a Phun time Phiguring this out!

See ya, Spies Without a Purpose, The Savage Samurai(an alias to an alias), Psuedo NIM(an alias to an alias), PLO, CU, Boulder, CO. FebuBerry 09, 1992 For educational purposes only. Thanks to PCM2 for LEPROSY v1.00.

The Silver Dollar Virus Strikes Again This is dedicated to a nice person Amy Everyone say Hi Amy!

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