. Очень опасные резидентные зашифрованные вирусы, перехватывают INT 21h, 27h и записываются в конец COM- и EXE-файлов. "Rape.2877" по воскресеньям сообщает:
It's Sunday. Why are you working? Take the day off compliments of RABID
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Patricia Boon Free Flash Force!!!
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DataRape! v2.2 By Zodiac and Data Disruptor
(c) 1991 RABID Int'nl Development Corp.
Greetings to The Dark Avenger, Tudor Todorov, Patricia Hoffman (Get your articles correct for a change... Maybe we should write for you...), John McAfee (Who wouldn't be where he is today if it were not for people like us...), PCM2 (Get your ass back in gear dude!) ProTurbo, MadMan, Rick Dangerous, Elrond Halfelven, The Highwayman, Optical Illusion, The (Real) Gunslinger, Patricia (SMOOCH), The GateKeeper, Sledge Hammer (Let's hope you don't get hit by this one 3 times), Delko, Paul 'Jougensen' & Mike 'Hunt' (And whoever else was there to see Chris & Cosy) the entire Bulgarian virus factory, and any others whom we may have missed... Remember: Winners don't use drugs! Someone card me a lifesign though...
(c) 1991 The RABID International Development Corp.
"Rape.1882" стирает сектора дисков, выводит на экран текст:
DataRape! v2.0 -CONFIGURABLE- (c)1991 Zodiac RABID, USA