Энциклопедия компьютерных вирусов


Очень опасный нерезидентный зашифрованный вирус.

Очень опасный нерезидентный зашифрованный вирус. Записывается вместо всех файлов в текущем каталоге. Содержит/выводит строки:

*.* .. By RiKkY moUsE

Presenting the St00pid Raymond Lau Virus V1.0DUHH -=>Mocking Raymon Lau to all<=- >Mock mOck moCk mocK< Quoting a chat between Raymonnd and Anon RL-> There is no such thing accomputer as a computer virus! Anon-> I think that 112MB of my hard drive might disagree with you there RL-> Oh yes like I believe you wrote a 112MB virus! And 2 or 3 things that won RL the prestigious FIDO IDIOT award! How did you know Im still a Virgin? Will you be my friend? Everybdy knows that you dont put healthy computer next to one sick with computer virus and make healthy computer sick too! Please guide me through this darkness to see the light even though I wont listen to you?

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