Нерезидентные безобидные зашифрованные вирусы, ищут .COM-файлы и записываются в их конец. Содержат строки:
radyum, the attitude adjuster, brought to you by ViRuLeNT GRaFFiTi *.COM
"Radium.503,509" содержит строку:
lythyum, the attitude adjuster, ViRuLeNT GRaFFiTi
Некоторые из "Radium" создают файлы HELLO.RAD или LITHIUM.HI!, в который записывают сообщение:
"Radium.698": radyum-b, by the attitude adjuster, brought to you by ViRuLeNT GRaFFiTi 07/31/92 Greets to Gary Watson! look for us again in the future.
"Radium.707": radyum, version 2, by the attitude adjuster, brought to you by ViRuLeNT GRaFFiTi 07/31/92 Greets to Gary Watson! look for us again in the future.
"Radium.860": radyum-c, by the attitude adjuster, brought to you by ViRuLeNT GRaFFiTi 08/18/92 6 out of 16 bytes will keep the same position and value, not too bad in my book! greets to patti hoffman, i love you!
"Radium.1072" иногда оставляет в памяти резидентную программу, которая перехватывает INT 8 и периодически выводит сообщения:
Unsuspecting user, 12 o'clock! Get ready... 'cause... THERE'S A VIRUS IN YOUR SOUP! From the guys that brought you Lythyum, Radyum, and VioLite comes The Soupy Virus, (k) 1992 VG Enterprises, 216/513/602/914/703 By The Attitude Adjuster & AccuPunk! Hurry! Hire an Anti-Virus Professional! Increase Wallet Space! ...hmmm, ya' know, I think I'll halt now... [Soupy] The Attitude Adjuster & AccuPunk, VG 08/23/92 to 12/02/92 Bad command or file name