Энциклопедия компьютерных вирусов


TPE.Civilwar, семейство

Безобидные вирусы на базе генератора TPE. "Civilwar.1979,1994" нерезидентны, ищут .COM-файлы текущего каталога и записываются в их конец. "Civilwar.2049" резидентен, перехватывает INT 21h и записывается в конец COM-файлов при их запуске. Содержат строки:

"Civilwar.1979": Civil War IV, (c) 1993 *.com

For all i'v seen has changed my mind But still the wars go on as the years go by With no love of God or human rights 'Cause all these dreams are swept aside By bloody hands of the hypnotized Who carry the cross of homicide And history bears the scars of our Civil Wars.

[ DH / TridenT ] [ MK / TridenT ]

"Civilwar.1994": Civil War IV v1.1, (c) Jan '93 *.com

For all i've seen has changed my mind But still the wars go on as the years go by With no love of God or human rights 'Cause all these dreams are swept aside By bloody hands of the hypnotized Who carry the cross of homicide And history bears the scars of our Civil Wars.

[ DH / TridenT ] [ MK / TridenT ]

"Civilwar.2049": Civil War V v1.0, (c) Jan '92 [ DH / TridenT ][ MK / TridenT ]

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