Энциклопедия компьютерных вирусов



По 1-м числам ежемесячно перехватывает INT 8,9 и замедляет работу компьютера ("пустой" цикл при каждом вызове INT 8). При нажатии на Alt-Ctrl-Del вирус выводит текст:

Your PC is working VERY SLOWLY today... What about a good PENTIUM Processor ?

Перед тем, как отдать управление основной программе, вирус проверяет значение системного таймера, и в зависимости от полученного результата выводит сообщения, ждет нажатия на клавишу, сравнивает нажатый символ со случайно выбранным значением, и в зависимости от результата сравнения либо возвращает управление прграмме-носителю, либо стирает сектора дисков:

+-|DANGER!|----------------------------------------------+ | You are infected by ExCESS Virus (c) 1995 by The Nuker | |--------------------------------------------------------| | I have destroyed your FATs but I have only ONE copy in | | my data area. IF YOU REBOOT NOW ALL DATA WILL BE LOST. | | If this isn`t enough, I have altered your Master Boot | | Record with a formatting routine in order to low-level | | format the primary Hard Disk when executed. If you are | | so dude and you don`t believe me, reboot now and look | | at your hard disk light spinning... If you don`t want | | to loose all your data then try to guess a number from | | 0 to 9 and pray for your answer to be correct, else... | +--------------------------------------------------------+ You have 3 tries to guess the correct number!!! Enter the number:

You fucking SHIT!!! You guessed the right number!!! You are safe this time but next will come very soon and you will not be so lucky!!!

Sorry, you didn`t entered the correct number! Retry, and hope you lucky!!!

Hum... you are lucky this time... Please wait while reconstructing disk structure...

I WAS JOKING! Your Hard Disk has been fucked up!!! Thank you for choosing another product of... 0T0h0e0 0N0u0k0e0r0

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