Неопасен, в зависимости от текущего времени и даты выводит картинку, содержащую текст:
You have a VIRUS now Press any key to continue This program created special for ]\/[ 2 \/ Copr (c) 1997 JD
Также содержит строки:
Sorry, there is a small error: this program is incompotible with PC-DOS... :(
%@###QEE.JV.Dr.Web###@%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Designed for ---[ ]\/[ Z \/ ]---(R) Internal revision 004
Copyright (c) 1997 John Darland Computing QEE (c) 1996-97 JDC
WiNDOWS '95 - ONLY FOR L0A0M0E0R0S ========================================= [JDC] [JDC] [JDC] [JDC] [JDC] [JDC] [JDC]
===[ Future ]========================================== You will see in next version: - 2 new encryptors: - RCG (Random Code Generator) [10% done] - TTT (The Time Tracer) [ 0% done] - More cool Windows'95 halter [ 0% done] Possibly: - Int 21h tracing ===[ Messages ]======================================== To Antivirus creators: "Please name this virus QEE.JV.DrWeb or QEE.JV.Anti95 or, in other case, QEE.AntiWin95. It is only first virus from large family" ===[ Thanks ]========================================== To: HR ( JDC ), VD (S&K, VI), DP (xxx), PP (xxx), DZ (P), ID (P) and others... ===[ T0H0E E0N0D ]====================================