Энциклопедия компьютерных вирусов


Строки текста

Вирусы содержат строки:

"Nutcracker.AB1": Dedicated to N.L.A. - my little baby. (c) by Kind Nutcracker(AB1) "Nutcracker.AB1.Antarex.a": ANTAREX C:*.* Run me, pleace! (c) by Nutcracker(AB1) "Nutcracker.AB1.Antarex.b": ANTAREX C:*.* (c) by Kind Nutcracker(AB1) "Nutcracker.AB2.2890": Nutcracker(AB2) "Nutcracker.AB2.3472": Universal Pathologic Device by Nutcracker(AB2) "Nutcracker.AB2.4540": Universal Pathologic Device by Nutcracker(AB2) the Sun is gone but I have a light... "Nutcracker.AB2.5375,5440":

This Universal Pathologic Device dedicated to Любовь Н. I hate the envy, the meanness, the riches, the trea, the bluntness, the ignorance, the lie, the servility, the mistrust and the hatred. Nutcracker(AB2)

"Nutcracker.AB2", старшие версии: Nutcracker(AB2): Welcome to the Hell "Nutcracker.AB2.6996": Nutcracker(AB2): lives forewer! "Nutcracker.AB3": Nutcracker(AB3) "Nutcracker.AB4": Sombre Nutcracker(AB4) "Nutcracker.AB5": Gloomy Nutcracker(AB5) from the city of Brest(BY) with best wishes! Only the Hope dies last!.. "Nutcracker.AB6.a": Dreary Nutcracker(AB6) Lives C:*.* Любовь Н. "Nutcracker.AB6.b": Dreary Nutcracker(AB6) Lives Again C:*.* Любовь Н. "Nutcracker.AB6.c": Dreary Nutcracker(AB6) C:*.* Любовь Н. "Nutcracker.AB6.d": Dreary Nutcracker(AB6) lives forewer ! C:*.* Любовь Н. "Nutcracker.AB7": I'm Nutcracker(AB7)!

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