Неопасный резидентный файлово- загрузочный вирус. Перехватывает INT 13h, 21h и записывается в MBR винчестера, boot-сектора дискет и в конец EXE-файлов при обращениях к ним. В зависимости от текущего значения таймера выводит текст:
hello! This is <Lung-Hua 1.0> virus.
Don't worry, It's just a virus, It never damages your computer, It's written by a Lung-Hua's student. This is a test, I just want to know how far as virus can reach and how fast as virus can sprend. Specilly thanks to Dark Slayer (we are close friends), He teaches me so many virus skills, This is my first virus, It's a quite simple virus. At last, I want to say "Hay! Teachers, Don't down a lof of students, If you down them, They will very sad and cry, so... Don't make their heart break."
PS.1. I recommand the assembly language's teachers, I hope you can teach students "How to write viruses". 2. please send your comment to network (CC2 server, set file name to comment.xxx, If you are supervisor, please set it to read only and keep it many days, I'll receive it on the server) 3. keep my name "Blue Rose" in your mind, watch out my next virus, I'll be back, Enjoy my first virus now, Have fun! :)
Blue Rose of TPVO (a sweet little girl) - 1995.06.18