Энциклопедия компьютерных вирусов



Неопасный резидентный boot-вирус. Перехватывает INT 8, 9, 13h и записывается в boot-сектора флоппи-дисков и MBR винчестера. В зависимости от своих внутренних счетчиков вирус "глотает" символы, вводимые с клавиатуры, стирает(?) CMOS, выводит картинку:

+------------------- Help for users E-Mail ----------------------+ | Send/Receive Mail Manual page 137 | |----------------------------------------------------------------| | This command starts Commander Mail and sends any messages in | | the OUT directory via MCI Mail. It also copies any new | | messages from MCI Mail to the IN directory. | | | | Use the commander maiL command if you just want to browse | | through messages in your IN directory, or if you want to | | create new messages. | | | | Use the Send files item in the Files menu if you want to send | | files to someone via MCI Mail. | | | | Note: This function is provided by the MCI.EXE and | | MCIDRIVR.EXE programs, which must be in the same | | directory as the Norton Commander (NC.EXE). | +----------------------------------------------------------------+

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